Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Warmes Wasser entspannt uns schnell und tief. Vielleicht ist es e..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Warm water relaxes us quickly and deeply. Maybe it's a.....

Warm water relaxes us quickly and deeply. Maybe it is an idea of ​​the state of oneness and security in the womb. Simply cut out an hour from what might be a long everyday to-do list, where you can immerse yourself in eternity and timelessness for a little while. Through phases of relaxation and letting go, you quickly gain a different view of everyday life or get inspiration for a lighter existence. I wish you that with all my heart.

Here you will find ideas on how to turn a normal bath into a sensual pleasure:

Do you like to go swimming? Have you ever tried a bathing ritual?