Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Kaum eine Frau genügt den gängigen Schönheitsidealen. Diese werde..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Hardly any woman meets the usual ideals of beauty. These will.....

Sometimes deeply hidden unconscious dynamics stick out of the fam... Reading Hardly any woman meets the usual ideals of beauty. These will..... 2 minutes Next Tantra can be "recited" like a prayer or to.....

Hardly any woman meets the usual ideals of beauty. These are incessantly demonstrated around them. Day after day. But your body is just different. That is the plain truth, a bare fact in the truest sense of the word. Women have to deal with this fact every day. They constantly compare themselves to other women - or even worse - to the perfect bodies in advertisements, magazine covers and billboards. With the result that they feel inadequate, even deficient. The resulting disturbed self-esteem is of course reflected in the experience of physical love. Instead of surrendering, an inner struggle begins through one's own devaluation and the attempt to hide and hide unloved parts of the body. Some women would even rather withdraw from sex than expose themselves to a man's gaze if they don't find their body beautiful. Many women believe that their partner also sees through these glasses of devaluation and judges them.

The evaluation of questionnaires from men's lectures and seminars shows, however, that men react to visual stimuli in their environment but are not at all dissatisfied with their partner, despite all the smaller or larger deviations from the ideal woman. On the contrary: men want a fulfilling sexuality. A butt that is too big, a small breast, the lush belly is rather unimportant.

Do you know the topic as a woman and maybe even as a man? How do you deal with that?