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Im Tantra geht man davon aus, dass jeder Mensch, ob Mann oder Fra..... - BeFree Liebesschule

In tantra it is assumed that every human being, whether man or woman.....

Lusty woman - happy man, right? No man is real..... Reading In tantra it is assumed that every human being, whether man or woman..... 2 minutes Next The Tantra heart hug is also called the marital bliss trick. was.....

In tantra it is assumed that every human being, male or female, is a magnet with a plus and minus pole inside. This magnetism can be felt by sensitive people in the subtle energy body beyond the outer shell of the visible material body.
The positive pole of a woman is the breast, the negative pole is the yoni (tantric name for the female gender). The man's positive pole is his lingam (tantric name for penis). The heart of the man is the negative pole. The positive pole radiates energy. This can even be understood in the physical body: when a baby is breastfeeding, the breasts give off milk, the man's lingam gives off sperm.
But every positive pole also radiates energy invisibly. Always. The outer shape of the breasts or the lingam is not important at all. It doesn't matter in the least whether we find them beautiful or not. The negative pole absorbs energy. This also becomes clear with the yoni, which absorbs the lingam and the semen.
The fact that a man absorbs energy with his heart center in the middle of his chest has no visible physical equivalent. Radiating energy and receiving energy happens invisibly - it is a phenomenon of the energy field. This circulation of energy takes place within a person as a magnetic current, but also when men and women come into physical contact.

Have you ever felt the flow of energy between the poles yourself?