Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Eine Frau kann durch tägliche Brustmassagen und die Brustmeditati..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Through daily breast massages and the breast meditation, a woman can.....

A woman can significantly strengthen the positive pole through daily breast massages and breast meditation. In this way, she always promotes the receptiveness of her yoni at the same time. Strengthening the breasts as a magnetic positive pole for women opens up access to a deeper sexuality and sensitizes the yoni.
Many women who were cut off from the immense sexual power due to lack of desire can rediscover themselves in this way. A man who wants to support his wife in finding her true female desire should give her as many mindful breast touches as possible. You can find the instructions for the tantric breast massage on my website.
This has a greater effect than any effort to create pleasure directly on the yoni. The yoni of a sexually aroused woman is receptive by itself if the rules of female pleasure are heeded. Most men find it difficult to get in touch with the subtle currents within their bodies. An already awakened woman can be a catalyst. Otherwise, meditation and breathing techniques help to escape from thinking and to anchor awareness in the body. Man and woman can also acquire the awakening of the subtle magnetic love current together. The gentle and silent union, the ritual for openness and intimacy (also on my website) and the heart hug help here.

Do you meditate regularly?