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Mit etwas Wehmut denke ich an die Oster-Tantraseminare der letzte..... - BeFree Liebesschule

With a little melancholy I think of the Easter tantra seminars of the last.....

In this Tantra teaching video I show you in detail and ge..... Reading With a little melancholy I think of the Easter tantra seminars of the last..... 1 minute Next I just created a new FB page (on course together)......
With a little nostalgia I think back to the Easter Tantra seminars of the last 20 years at Gut Frohberg. We had to cancel again because of Corona. The beautiful tantra Easter eggs that we go looking for on Easter Sunday are cancelled, as are the tantra monastery day, the mother healing ritual, the thank you tree and the spring magic around Frohberg, especially down by the lake. Surely many of you are sad that Easter is canceled for the second time. And again we only have to hope that next year the tantra easter bunnies will hop for us again... :-) A few photos for you as a little insight or just to enjoy...