Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Im Tantra werden die Genitalien von Frau und Mann verehrt. Das is..... - BeFree Liebesschule

In tantra, the genitals of both women and men are worshiped. That is.....

In tantra, the genitals of both women and men are worshiped. This is new and very touching for many people. The woman's yoni blossoms especially when she is taken out of the dingy corner and seen anew as the magic flower of lust. For many women, a kind of healing occurs with unintentional and sensitive touches. The next opportunity to experience and get to know this intimate healing massage is at the BeFree Tantra summer meeting from July 1st to 8th. You can find more information about the summer get-together and yoni massages on my BeFree Tantra website in the Seminars and Love School section. Do you know yoni massages? Have you already had good experiences with it? As a woman? As a man?