Hilfen rund um die Themen Liebe und Partnerschaft

Ich jedenfalls kann mich noch gut daran erinnern. Ich habe trotzd..... - BeFree Liebesschule

Anyway, I can still remember it well. I still.....

Anyway, I can still remember it well. Nevertheless, I have diligently and extensively explored my own and the opposite sex. Certainly not just because it was forbidden. Even then, touches triggered very beautiful and pleasurable feelings, often coupled with a kind of emotional excitement. A child simply perceives holistically. Once I was caught with my cousin by my aunt. So I had to stay in bed all day until my father came home from the night shift and gave me a beating. That happened more often. But amazingly, they still couldn't get it out of me. When my parents taught me about how children were made when I was about 11-12 years old, I was totally shocked that they were probably doing the very "things" for which they had punished me for years. I was simply stunned and a whole world collapsed inside me. Years later I asked my mother why we children were hit because of it. She shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know either: "It was just like that back then." I suspect that in the olden days this punishment was supposed to prevent children and young people from experiencing sexuality too early and then maybe getting pregnant too early. Because "back then" there weren't any contraceptive methods available to everyone. What do you think about? Do you know doctor games? And how did your parents deal with it?